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Business services in Dobbs Ferry, New York.
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  • ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    My lazy sister went here and has made a joke out of her life. This private school my abusive mother wasted money on for bragging rights My sister would brag about how being with the popular people they'd not study and hate science im like physics is too interesting thats how your cd player works my sister still clinging to the private school friendships meaningless careers my abusive mother told me not to take AP classes. i got a ham radio license at my boarding school in vermont, correction, voucher school because it was open to all students not discriminating why was my sister awarded a full scholarship when her babysitter's daughter was offered half scholarship at NYU. gabby not real name said she disliked that the paying 'students' were lazy and they onnly wanted to study enough to get B's my mom wouldnt pay her mom a decent salary. my grandmother was a governess also actually my mom and sister are unstable phonies. and have recompense in store for their deeds
    By The Band, November 09, 2017

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